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Holiday 2019 Gifts

These gifts are part of our 2019 Black Friday sale. For more information and a list of our best deals, check out our sale

Team Cubicle Holiday Cards

One one free with any order over $30. Features Team Cubicle members Max Park, Mats Valk, Lucas Etter, LaZer0MonKey, Kevin Hays, JRCuber, and Phil Yu. The card will be randomized with your order. If you prefer (or do not prefer) a particular card, please let us know in your order comment and we will do our best to accommodate. These cards will be available while supplies last. 

Limited Edition Snowflake Cube Box 

Get one free with any order over $100. This box features an upgraded hinge, an intricate snowflake design and a brilliant blue lid. Fits most modern 3x3s. These cards will be available while supplies last. We will substitute this cube box with another gift item if supplies are exhausted.

VIP Holiday Pass 

Get one free with any order over $200. This pass is a one time use 20% off discount code that will be active until February 29, 2020. VIP Holiday Passes will be distributed the first week of December, 2019. This discount code does not apply retroactively to past purchases.